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郭经理 2024-04-15 17:17:15

Children"s antibacterial spine pillow Tpe Children
Children"s antibacterial spine pillow Tpe Children
Children"s antibacterial spine pillow Tpe Children
Children"s antibacterial spine pillow Tpe Children

供应Children"s antibacterial spine pillow

Tpe Children"s Spinal Protection Pillow
Hello everyone, this is a children"s growth and spine pillow. It is suitable for babies aged 1 to 3 years old, 3 to 6 years old, and 6 to 9 years old. This pillow is designed with two sides and can be used all year round. The product you received is this double-sided silver plated color box packaging, which has a transparent PE bag when opened.

郭经理 发布人
郭经理(中国) 青岛贝碧艾婴童用品有限公司 业务经理|供应商
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